
Pega 7.4 Maintenance Pack Available!
We are excited to announce the availability of the Pega 7.4 Maintenance Pack! The Maintenance Pack is available for download, attached to this post.
This Maintenance Pack bundles a number of bug and security fixes on the Pega 7.4 release into a single package. Deploying this on your Pega 7.4 platform system will apply these fixes, ensuring that you have the highest quality experience.
The Pega 7.4 Maintenance Pack is deployed using the platform hotfix process.
If you are running Pega 8.1 or later, the latest bug and security fixes are always made available through our platform patch releases. To get the latest patch release, download the Pega Platform product on the Digital Delivery portal. For more information please see the patch release announcement.
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Hi Matt,
We are working to upgrade our application from PEGA 7.1.9 to 7.4. So do we need to install "Pega 7.4 Maintenance Pack" as part of this upgrade process. What are issue being fixed and address as part of Maintenance pack

Hey Ravi!
Once your server is upgraded to Pega 7.4 and is running, we strongly suggest that you apply the 7.4 Maintenance Pack using the hotfix manager instructions linked to in the above post.
The resolved issues are detailed within the README of the Maintenance Pack distribution.
Hope this helps!

Thanks Matt,
My production release date for 7.4 migration is planned in Feb 2019. How can i get the notification if there are any new maintenance pack release between now and Feb 2019.

Hey Ravi,
Currently, we are not planning to release any subsequent Maintenance Packs for 7.4. If that plan changes, we will post it as a Pega Support Community Alert.
For Pega 8, we are making bug fix patch releases available on a frequent basis. These will also be posted as Pega Support Community Alerts.
Hope that helps!

After checking the readme, I see that we have already applied some of the hotfix while other may never apply to our needs.
Could you confirm the maintenance pack has been properly tested to verify that all hotfixes together lead to a stable platform ?
In term of support, if we are on 7.4 may the support ask us to install the maintenance pack before doing more investigation on our cases?

The 7.4 Maintenance Pack has undergone our full pre-release quality assurance process to validate that all changes only serve to fix existing issues, not introduce new ones. While we strongly urge you to apply this to your running 7.4 Pegasystem, there are no changes to any support policies with the release of this Maintenance Pack.
Hope this helps!

Hi Matt,
We are on 7.4 now. Can we install this DL directly? or need to install the HFixes one by one.
Installing DL wont work here I think. Getting Invalid/ unknown type error.
If these needs to be installed manually one by one, I see there are more than 200 HFixes and some are having dependent HFix. Can you please suggest?

You should be able to install all HFIXes simultaneously using the DL and the platform hotfix process. Can you please reach out to me via direct message with more specifics around the error you are facing?

Hi Matt ,
Should we just install DL-91389.zip through hotfix manager ,is there any config changes involved in prconfig.xml ,prlog4j2.xml OR any other config files .In README.txt one of the HFIX has installation instruction as below --
Hotfix for HFix-45034 : AuthorizationException installing DL from prpcUtils
Installation Instructions:
Need to replace the attached prpcUtils.properties file and prpcUtils.xml file
the scripts/utils folder of the build image,before running the utility apart
from installing the hotfix.
Just to confirm if we need to import DL ,there is no other changes required except server bounce & clear cache.

Hey Abishek,
Yes - installing using the platform hotfix process (including a system restart), will deploy all fixes in full.
No manual steps beyond that are required.

FYI, Picked up hotfix list from readme.txt. (somehow HFix-45505 is missing from readme but jar is in zip)
FYI, Picked up hotfix list from readme.txt. (somehow HFix-45505 is missing from readme but jar is in zip)
HFix-43474 : Data transform Step fails when loading Parameterized data page
HFix-43500 : Event review are throwing error on click Follow Edit Actions
HFix-43511 : Notifications gadget is not properly localized in Manger portal
HFix-43529 : Remove ET- ID from email subject
HFix-43578 : Expand minmap tool tip not localized
HFix-43614 : Feedback workqueue is not localized
HFix-43615 : Cancel/Submit buttons not localized in summarized reports screen
HFix-43616 : Update work parties error headings in participants not localized
HFix-43619 : Expiry of the token causes down time for customer
HFix-43621 : My teams Tooltip is not localized
HFix-43623 : Layout group hamburger not providing details -ios
HFix-43641 : Property/column casing mismatch for pyDatasetId
HFix-43646 : transfer information Tooltip of create case is not localized
HFix-43684 : Unable to add DDS node
HFix-43698 : ESupdate indxer api indxd data overwriten by FTSIncremental agen
HFix-43769 : Model dialogue title(short description ) not visible for OSCO
HFix-43778 : ContextNotDefinedError thrown on adaptive model capture response
HFix-43784 : Save-As of repeating grid section results in unusable
HFix-43798 : Reference tracker is not tracking for non-auto-generated section
HFix-43818 : Menu items or links not clickable in IE browser
HFix-43860 : Menu navigation not working
HFix-43905 : Validation Error is not getting display in model dialog
HFix-43935 : BLOCKER: AAP Workobject is not openining properly in the portal
HFix-43976 : Unique id needs to be generated for radio buttons
HFix-44022 : Exception on pxMatchScore when UDF's are disabled
HFix-44054 : case manager portal charts showing Invalid XML on UI
HFix-44074 : Transfer(Work-) FlowAction does not display 'Transfer to' option
HFix-44109 : javascript confirm called twice on iOS offline case
HFix-44131 : Runtime Toolbar cannot be re-opened when using Japanese locale
HFix-44143 : Unable to add the tags from Autocomplete in Mobile Device
HFix-44169 : Link to SMA in Pega 7.4 still exists
HFix-44213 : Value missing from elements with attributes in ParseXML(7.4)
HFix-44224 : Force whitelist for all alert
HFix-44270 : Cross-origin OPTIONS res not sending Access-Control-Allow-Origin
HFix-44275 : Email blank when using the Service Request template
HFix-44277 : Got garbled pre set names when creating a data page and list
HFix-44296 : SR-C30735 port to Pega 7.4
HFix-44305 : Report Definition with Pagination results in OOM and crashing
HFix-44343 : Email send failure due to leading comma in "to" EmailAddress
HFix-44349 : Request BUG-332575 upgrade Jackson to versions 2.9.5 or Proprietary information hidden
HFix-44386 : Support for showing groups in Timline
HFix-44400 : Unable to add the tags from Autocompolete in Mobile Device
HFix-44420 : Mashup query parameters appended - port BUG-371442 to 7.4
HFix-44446 : Mashup Javascript actions are not working
HFix-44518 : OpenID Connect java.io.IOException: Certificate does not exist
HFix-44522 : Exported excel doesn't display text within angular brackets
HFix-44548 : Exception is coming when we click the filter icon
HFix-44550 : pyshowFAButtons property not available in pyWorkPage
HFix-44613 : Provide px API for Data Import Wizard to Suppport File Listener
HFix-44615 : Lookups are not working for embed properties
HFix-44623 : Need HFix of pzAssemblePreprocess
HFix-44649 : Data table issue
HFix-44651 : New app wizard on IMPL layer errors out
HFix-44681 : Id attributes generated for the checkboxes are
HFix-44700 : Decimal validation does not work properly in mobile offline case
HFix-44727 : DL import throws ERROR: Only authenticated client may start this
HFix-44748 : Bulk action on work objects are trying to open assignment
HFix-44806 : The team defined in Japanese displays no team information
HFix-44909 : 7.4 Pega Thread/Tab missing 'OperatorID' page
HFix-44936 : Issue in Hotfix manager while installing DADT
HFix-44971 : pyshowFAButtons property not populated on pyWorkPage
HFix-44975 : No cleanup PushSubscriptionCleanerDaemon JBOSS (port HFix-41004)
HFix-44987 : Blank modal when trying to create a new ruleset version
HFix-45010 : Bulk actions's Select All checkbox - improve the usability
HFix-45013 : Import of blobless class data in to the system is failing
HFix-45034 : AuthorizationException installing DL from prpcUtils
HFix-45141 : User entered date time value is changing automatically
HFix-45188 : Issues in Timeline control
HFix-45374 : CSS generation incorrect for hover state for links
HFix-45427 : Property not resolving to correct class, port SE-44041 to 7.4
HFix-45428 : TC name too long, does not allow to create TC ,port SE-44310
HFix-45442 : Make the Bulk Imports error file location configurable
HFix-45446 : Switching application is not fetching correct dashboard widget
HFix-45486 : Created in version not getting populated in class ruleform
HFix-45560 : Unique ids for controls in DOM
HFix-45588 : Cannot join stream node when install marketing with WLS
HFix-45655 : XML injection in rule list
HFix-45673 : DateTime control Date Range selection issue
HFix-45685 : ParseXMl parsing String to decimal prop in exponential format
HFix-45687 : Prompt lists remain visible after rule form is closed
HFix-45713 : Hover event not working
HFix-45746 : pyLabel max length issue pyAttachApprovalEmail activity
HFix-45771 : Unable to select slider (Yes/No) for different page properties
HFix-45784 : prpcUtils hangs when DSM node is running
HFix-45788 : Mobile: The flow this assignment corresponds to has been removed
HFix-45817 : 溺IDAS DM:・File Export using Data flow fails
HFix-45901 : First request to CAB community SSO URL fails
HFix-45952 : Database interruption breaks agent management
HFix-46018 : Unique ID issue for checkboxes using Page group property
HFix-46042 : EBSAuthentication support
HFix-46046 : SAML: Internet Explorer: Unable to login
HFix-46090 : RTE - Images not exporting to PDF
HFix-46093 : Real time delayed learning flow fails to start
HFix-46229 : NullPointerException when clicking Clear Filter on table
HFix-46276 : SAML 2.0 ACS request leads to error
HFix-46367 : Pega Upgrade failed due to pr4_rule_vw table issues
HFix-46452 : 'show subcase' checkbox in case audit not working
HFix-47102 : bypass OperatorID update for service requestors
HFix-47271 : Security issue related to expression evaluation
HFix-47475 : SAML response not updating mapping on empty fields in response
HFix-48139 : Able to upload malicious files to pega cloud file storage
HFix-48585 : Issue with Pega 7.4 Maintenance Pack Rebuild