
Export functionality on Report with filter condition is not exporting only filtered cases. It’s exporting all fetched results. User requirement is, they want to export only filtered cases.
Hi All,
Export functionality on Report with filter condition is not exporting only filtered cases. It’s exporting all fetched results. User requirement is, they want to export only filtered cases.
Its an OOTB functionality. Please any one suggest me with solution.
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Hi Kothi,
I believe this is an expected behavior.
@SwatiDamele any thoughts ?

Hi Bhattacherjee,
Thanks for reply, I knew that its an OOTB behavior. But user wants to export only filtered cases, not all.

Hi Kothi,
Are you exporting the records via the report definition itself? To elaborate, do you run the report, apply filters and use OOTB Export to Excel link to export the filtered data? If so, then only the filtered data should be exported. For example -
1. This is an OOTB report which has a filter defined on it. We observe all the records when the report is run (before applying the filter).
2. Post applying the filter, only the filtered data remains.
3. When the filtered data is exported to excel, only the filtered record appears (as you expect it to be).
Hi Kothi,
Are you exporting the records via the report definition itself? To elaborate, do you run the report, apply filters and use OOTB Export to Excel link to export the filtered data? If so, then only the filtered data should be exported. For example -
1. This is an OOTB report which has a filter defined on it. We observe all the records when the report is run (before applying the filter).
2. Post applying the filter, only the filtered data remains.
3. When the filtered data is exported to excel, only the filtered record appears (as you expect it to be).
Could you please let us know which PRPC (Pega 7) version are you using? The above demonstration was from Pega 7.1.7.
Thank you.

Hi Tushar,
Thanks for your reply.
We are using PRPC (Pega v7.1.8) version.
It’s a simple RD, which is used in one short cut and the short cut used in the category. Those category and short cut are available under reports from manager portal. If user clicks on the short cut and select the report, it will open in report viewer. Here if user apply the filters and clicks on export is exporting all fetched results instead of filtered results.
This is the actual issue. Not like as you said. I am not running the report definition stand alone and clicks on export.
Step-1: User clicking on Resolved cases shortcut.
Step-2: Report open in Report viewer. Before applying the filters
Hi Tushar,
Thanks for your reply.
We are using PRPC (Pega v7.1.8) version.
It’s a simple RD, which is used in one short cut and the short cut used in the category. Those category and short cut are available under reports from manager portal. If user clicks on the short cut and select the report, it will open in report viewer. Here if user apply the filters and clicks on export is exporting all fetched results instead of filtered results.
This is the actual issue. Not like as you said. I am not running the report definition stand alone and clicks on export.
Step-1: User clicking on Resolved cases shortcut.
Step-2: Report open in Report viewer. Before applying the filters
Step-3: After applying the filters with Booking country is equals to "Bahrain". Below are the list of cases.
Step-4: After clicking on the export button, below are the exported results. Actually it should export only above filtered four cases intead of this its exported all fetched results.

Hi Kothi,
I created a sample scenario in Pega 7.1.8 locally and it works fine as below :
Shortcut “S2” created for a category created “TestCategory” in manager portal:
While running the report from Manager Portal with no new filter:
All 4 records are seen in Report generated
All 4 records are seen on exporting to excel :
Hi Kothi,
I created a sample scenario in Pega 7.1.8 locally and it works fine as below :
Shortcut “S2” created for a category created “TestCategory” in manager portal:
While running the report from Manager Portal with no new filter:
All 4 records are seen in Report generated
All 4 records are seen on exporting to excel :
But when Date filter is applyied while running report from Manager Portal :
2 selected records are seen in Report generated:
Also, 2 records (filtered) are seen in generated Excel also :
It works fine.
Request you to please share the HFix inventory at your end.

Hi Swati,
Thanks for your reply.
Whatever the solution you explained here is same as solution given by Tushar. This is not the issue what i raised.
You both are explaining the scenario where we can apply the filter in Report Definition. If we apply filters in the Report Definition and used it in Category and Shortcut, it will export only filtered records.
Actually my issue is, If I clicks on shortcut, Report will open in report viewer. Here I want to add filters on the columns as mentioned in the screen shot.
Please look at Step-3: After applying the filters with booking country is equals to "Bahrain". Below are the list of cases.
After this if I clicks on export button in report viewer, it should export only filtered records not all fetched records.

Hi Kothi,
As per my knowledge the report browser will just display the data which is returned by the Report Definition which is similar to the data returned to the exported excel.
If you want to perform the data filter then you need to apply the Filter conditions in your Report Definition and the filter which is provided in the report browser is to filter the original data during our display, which is similar to apply the filter in the excel file column after our export.
So as per my knowledge this is an expected behaviour, if you want the filter conditions you need to apply the filters in the report definition.
Original data of our report is displayed in the report browser after applying the existing filters of the report definition and later filters which are applied in report browser will not affect the original data of the report to be exported.
For example, when filter is applied on column in excel the data will be filtered during the filtered display but the original content remains in the excel file.
Hope this explanation helps you to differentiate the report browser output display and lateral filters applied on the exported data in report browser doesn’t affect the original data of report.

Hi Mahesh,
Thanks for your reply.
If this is the case its an defect from product end right. Even i knew this is an expected behavior. But user expecting like this. So is there any work arround for this.
I am also raised an SR [ SR-A76995] for this. they are saying that is an BUG from product end. This is the bug ID: BUG-112012

Hi Kothi,
Yes, in case, the filter is applied on a column in Report Viewer, that won't be reflected while running Export to Excel functionality.
This filter is specific for the filtering in Report Viewer only.
This is expected behavior.

Hi Swati,
Thanks for your reply.
If this is the case its an defect from product end right. Even i knew this is an expected behavior. But user expecting like this. So is there any work arround for this.
I am also raised an SR [ SR-A76995] for this. they are saying that is an BUG from product end. This is the bug ID: BUG-112012

Hi Chiranjeevi/Kothi,
I am not sure if it can be done in report viewer as of now.
On a section having report definition displayed in a grid, you can configure a custom "Export to Excel" Button and call an custom activity to fetch filtered results only.
This involves complete customization actually.
Please refer below mentioned link once for reference :

We tried this actually, and it works. But there is one more challenge here. We use pagination in the custom section having the report definition(50 results per page). Due to this, the exported results contain only the results of the first page and not the entire set of results. Is there any alternative to this? Please suggest.

Hi Chiranjeevi,
any update on the same. I have the same requirement too.

Can we set the report filters while we schedule a report?

In which up-coming version of Pega we can expect this functionality ?

Hi Chiranjeevi,
I would recommend that you talk to your Pega Account Executive to make sure that you are notified when there is a public announcement of new and upcoming releases and also for any updates on BUG fixes. While this is probably not the response that you were looking for, disclosing information like release plans that have not been publicly announced could be considered insider information.